RealSelf Q&A with Francis Johns, MD
Can you get a BBL if you’re taking metoprolol?
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As long as the condition you are taking the Metroprolol for is under control you will be fine. Just make your surgeon and...READ MORE
Botox made my smile teethless. Can Botox lift my lips back up? (photos)
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Unfortunately, there is nothing to do to speed up Botox wearing off. It can take anywhere from 3-4 months to go back to normal.READ MORE
Can the skin on my arms be tightened? (Photos)
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Based on photos, it does appear you would be a candidate for some time of arm surgery. I would recommend an in person...READ MORE
I had fat grafting on my face 6 months ago. I loved it but I feel like most dissolved. Would a second treatment help?
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Fat grafting can take a few sessions before you get to where you are happy with it. It is common to have some fat reabsorption...READ MORE
Does Latisse regrow eyebrows?
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Latisse is a great option to help stimulate brow growth. Patients use it after chemo to help with the eyebrows and lashes, it...READ MORE
Is it OK to do lip filler a month after a facelift?
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Every surgeon is different on their recommendations. As long as everything is healing well, a month should be a sufficient...READ MORE
Which do you think I need after a c-section scar left a dip in the tissue: lipo or monsplasty? (photos)
Thank you for your question.
I would recommend an in person evaluation by a plastic surgeon to determine what your best option is. Based on photos,...READ MORE
Can you tell me pros and cons of mini neck lift vs full lift? (Photo)
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Based on photos, I would recommend a Minilift. This would address everything from below the eyes. It elevates the cheeks,...READ MORE
Voluma, Restylane Lyft or Sculptra for cheekbones?
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Everyone is different on their preference when it comes to fillers and regions of the face. I prefer Radiesse for the cheeks or...READ MORE
Is there any way that I can get the upper pole fullness without high profile implants?
Thank you for your question.Breast implants give upper pole fullness no matter what the profile of the implant. They are designed to give fullness in areas,...READ MORE