Are all facelifts the same? Am I ready for a facelift? What areas are treated with a facelift?
Every individual that presents to a plastic surgeon for facial rejuvenation has various degrees of laxity in different areas of the face. They also have different problems, such as fullness versus hollowness, strong versus weak features, thick versus thin skin or muscle hyperactivity. Because of these variables, an experienced surgeon must tailor the lifting procedure to the problems that exist. At Artisan Plastic Surgery, we perform numerous types of facial lifts designed to suit each patient’s needs. The most minimally invasive upper facial lift is done with local anesthesia in the office. This approach would be best for those with early signs of aging. Necklifts are performed for those patients with aging and laxity mainly confined to the neck. Minilifts are recommended for middle aged individuals with moderate aging in the face and neck that is not quite advanced enough to require a full facelift. Full facelifts are designed for those with moderate to severe aging and laxity. For those individuals with very advanced laxity and aging, a comprehensive face lift can accomplish a very natural rejuvenation of the face, neck, forehead and brows.